Wednesday, February 4, 2009

V-day yo.

so what to blog. . .

Valentines day's always a good topic, right?
We have about a week until "love day" is here. I'm fairly excited. =)
Not for the same reasons that most girls are though. I'm not waiting on a big expensive gift.

No bouquet of roses.
No cutesy stuffed animals.
No expensive dinner plans.

This year I'm getting the only thing I've really ever wanted- a note. Don't get me wrong; I do love the occasional flower every now and then, and who doesn't love a fluffy teddy bear? But that's not what I want this go-round. Yes, I know a note is extremely simple to most, even plain. But it's whats inside the note that i'm excited about. My boyfriend is writing about all of our memories, why he loves me, our future, whatever. I actually have no idea what will be in there. I've just always been an extreme romantic, and the perfect gift to me would be one straight from the heart. Lucky me, thats exactly what I'm getting. =)

His gift on the other hand. . .
Still a mystery to me. I'm not sure how well a heart felt love note would sit with someone who spends the majority of his time watching sports/ mud bogging/ hunting." But hey, those activities fit with me too!