Friday, August 15, 2008

picture if you will...

Can you imagine a world with no messes left over from superbowl parties, no self esteem issues, and no akwward pick up lines being thrown your way?

I can. This world is one that lacks the common element that we call males.

In this new world, women would no longer have to obsess over body image. This is because, chances are we would all be morbidly obese. With the men gone, no need for tight abs and buns of steel, right? Women could walk the streets feeling beautiful every day no matter what size. One might think that this estrogen driven life would be more peaceful. For those who agree with this, iI have an equasion for you:

any woman + drama= full scale war

Now, not all girls are scrappy. However, i have dealt with the few that are. It is needless to say why my best friends are guys.

I'm just throwing the idea out there. Although, this man-less world may be more tidy and self confident, i wouldn't want to live in it. I grew up with two brothers, and my best friends are majority boys. Personally, i'm kinda fond of the male species.=)


Jake N Shake said...

Great article...scary content. I don't want to think to a world with women not taking care of their bodies.

Rebekah Rabun said...

I LOVE IT!! i think its funny how all the girls wrote about this.

Jenni Seale said...

Hahaha. I love reading these articles. We all agreed, I think, too. World without boys: less complicated, but not nearly as interesting. :)